Democracy OS

  • Brand and Visual Design:Guido Fortini
  • My role:Lead User Experience Designer
  • Project:Democracy OS
  • Platform:Web
  • Year:2015
Designing an open-source operating system for democracy

Democracy OS is an online platform for deliberation and voting on political issues that governments and parties can download and repurpose. The software seeks to stimulate better discussion, improving civic engagement and participation through technology.

I helped the founders of this Y Combinator-funded NGO create the first version of their software for Demo Day in March 2015. I also worked on the logo design and brand environment for the platform, helping them establish a strong identity and communicate a compelling case for change and innovation.

My responsibilities:
  • Leading and managing the brand redesign project.
  • Participating in product design decisions.
  • Defining user flows, nomenclature of features and sections, and navigation structure.
  • Creating wireframes for the onboarding experience and for the discussion overview, user profile, and settings screens.
  • Overseeing the visual design of the web application and marketing site.
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